Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Built by Ants - Scavenger:ReTune

So I have a 70+% win rate against sample Walls, yet I have a 70-80% lost rate against a Walls traveling in the opposite direction. The irony hurts so much. Yet I still can't figure out how to compensate for both.

These past two weeks we have been learning about build systems. Using ANT we are able to build our robot, run some automated quality assurance checks, and even test our robots through junit.

Click here to see my the build system for my Robot.

I gained a lot of insight about how build systems work and I can start to see the powerful advantage it gives programmers. Just having something like check styles saves so much time. I had caught at least ten errors that I didn't know I had, though more than half was either me forgetting to add a period to my javadocs or not putting spaces in my "if statements". Then things like PMD and FixBug, can save a lot of time has headaches by automatically catching common errors and bugs in your code.

The first thing you notice right away is that we use a lot of xml. I first learned about xml in my ICS101 class. We watched a video in which they talked about how companies use XML to help their transactions. I never associated it with the programming that I've done up to only a few weeks ago when I was going through a program called OTCG, which is a networked open source online trading card game framework. Using these xml definition files you can create any card game you want and connect to other players online to play with them. The only thing is its very basic and you have to define all the actions yourself in xml definition files. The minute I opened up one of the build.xml files in the sample folder I immediately recognized this as something familiar, though I never really saw how it could be applied to something as grandiose as a build system.

The assignment had us adapting the sample code as a template to our own competition robot. It was a fairly simple task, I didn't run into any hiccups that was not cause by pure carelessness, which was me looking at an entirely wrong folder which was one character off from the actual folder for fifteen minutes.

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