I'm still working diligently to churn out a few more meter/sensor pairs for possible meters we will be using for next semester.
Last week we had a major problem with the sensors not creating the property files needed to connect to the wattdepot servers. We soon discovered that we needed a folder that was created by the code, but it was never made only checked if it existed and then anyone without the folder would be unable to run the sensors. We have now resolved this issue but it requires further testing done by all members of the group. As it has shown in the past, just because one member confirms a piece of code running, the different configurations between different computers could cause problems.
Other than this issue, the meter code is just about finalized. We have decided to continue working on new meters with current progress being made on two meters, QuadLogic and Shark. We will continue to accept the energy generated as kWhr until we can get a confirmation and decision for wattdepot, which is currently taking energy as Whr.
With the unification and regular meeting and emails from the groups at this point, we will try our best to complete as many possible meter/sensor configuration for possible meters. With the time ticking down we will be scrambling throughout the remaining week.
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